The rabbit kit eyes are just barely starting to open! The first picture is of one of Sky’s kits. The second is of Cloud’s kits. As you can probably tell, Sky’s kits are quite a bit bigger and more developed than Cloud’s.
Baby Bunny Pictures
Baby Bunnies
Both of our rabbits had their kits! Sky, our spotted, New Zealand rabbit, had her kits yesterday evening. We left her alone last night and checked the nest this morning. She had four wiggly little pink kits! Unfortunately she also had five dead kits. She had been bleeding a little this week. We were hoping that it was just early labor, but it was probably that some of her kits died. One of the dead ones had beautiful spots. Two of the dead ones were black. All the rest are pink.
Cloud, our Californian rabbit, had her kits sometime last night. This morning we checked on her and found eight live, pink kits in her nest. None of her kits died!
2019 Kitten Litter #2: 3 Weeks
Tractors kittens are growing! We took them out from behind the hay, but Tractor put them back! Luckily, we got pictures and checked sexes first. The black kittens are girls and the white one is a boy. Let us know if you have any name suggestions.
Keep an eye out for baby rabbit info! The rabbits are due this week! Sky has started nesting. Cloud hasn’t shown any pregnancy symptoms yet, so hopefully she is pregnant.
2019 Kitten Litter #1: 9 Weeks
Willow’s kittens are now nine weeks! They are huge. They are all getting there own personalities! Kaalo is still allusive and will make a great barn cat! The others like people, although they do hide every time it’s time to put them in their crate before bed!
Nickel is a 3/4 Nubian 1/4 Alpine wether. He is super sweet and loves children. Nickel is three months old and is ready to be weaned. He is our last kid that we will be rehoming this year. He will make a great pet, companion, or possibly pack goat. His dam is Juniper and his sire is Parks Oasis Bijou. $75 obo.
2019 Kitten Litter #2: 2 Weeks
Tractor is a very protective mom. About a week ago she hid her kittens and we didn’t find them until this morning. She hid them far behind the hay stacks. She actually had three kittens. Two are black and one is white. Their eyes are open. I couldn’t get a good picture because they are so deep behind the hay. They are so precious!
2019 Kitten Litter #1: 8 Weeks
Willow’s kittens are getting big! They are already eight weeks! They are just like small cats now! The only reason they still nurse is because they are around their mom. A friend is going to keep Mango. He will go to his new home in a few months.
The Chicks
The chicks are growing fast! We have had them for about two weeks now. Unfortunately, Julius, the rooster, died. We haven’t lost any others. They live in an outside predator proof pen now, until we finish building the coop. The Easter Eggers are super colorful!
The Chicks
So, we ordered 24 pullets and one Cockerel, but yesterday as I was counting the chicks, I counted 26 total. We sexed them all and found 25 pullets and one Cockerel. We have 13 Easter Egger pullets, 12 Australorp pullets, and one Australorp Cockerel. They are all growing so fast!