Our neighbor is moving out of the state and gave us his little gaggle of three geese. They are only six or seven months old, so we won’t know their genders until they start laying. We haven’t named them yet, but are thinking of the names Tengo or Coda, Piper, and Melody. Let us know what you think of the names in the comments!
These guys will be free ranged once they get used to our property.
Out of the last batch of Molly fry, only two survived, and one didn’t really seem to grow. We released the bigger baby into the tank with the adult fish this weekend. She’s still alive, so, so far so good.
This weekend a different female had some fry. We are keeping them in a breeding box in our brackish (a mix between fresh and saltwater) tank. She had eight babies that we could find. They are all alive so far! We will raise the small one from the last batch with these guys.
The older fryThe New Additions (The black one that’s a little bigger is the small older one)
Eutychus has been very ill with scours for nearly two months now. Unfortunately, he passed away this morning. Here are a few paragraphs about his life.
Eutychus was born on a bright May day. He was a strong eager little buckling that surprised us with his arrival. We only knew that his dam, April, was pregnant a week or two before she had him! Eutychus stole our hearts with his unique markings and sweet personality.
Eutychus was the friendliest baby we’ve ever had. He would leave the herd to follow anybody who walked by. It was not a rare sight to see a child on a bicycle with Eutychus running close behind!
A few months ago he became sick. We learned a lot while trying to nurse this kid back to health. Unfortunately, our treatments didn’t seem to help and this morning, August 19th, we found Eutychus in a coma-like state. We were blessed to have had him pass with minimal suffering.
Onyx, Tzipporah, and Juniper will be going to a new home tomorrow. Onyx needed tattooed. He doesn’t love people and fought a lot, so he is now neon bluish green! Don’t worry, he didn’t seem to react like he got it in his eyes. He also got a bath. The picture is after his bath!
The kittens are doing great! Unfortunately, we lost one of Willow’s kittens, the female #1 that we named Tilly. The Siamese female, named Philly, has disappeared, but we believe that Willow has her in our neighbors barn. (she had her there before) The male Siamese is Fivel. The other female is named Tanya.
Splash’s kittens are thriving! We named the white and grey female Sapphire, the pure grey female Amethyst, and the male Jasper. We will probably keep a couple of these gems.
Tractor had three solid black kittens a week or two after Splash. She had two females named Dawn and Dusk, and one male named Felix. We have probably found homes for these kittens.
Our kittens will be rehomed when they are 8-12 weeks old with a $10 rehoming fee. They will be best as barn kittens, but are young enough to become house cats. Let us know if you are interested in one. I will hopefully post pictures soon.
We are rehoming Beulah Valley Euphrates. He is a Purebred, ADGA, registerable, Nubian, disbudded buckling. Euphrates has wonderful lines! His dam is Kuchan Lily and his sire is Beulah Valley Rio. We raised both of his parents, so he is friendly. Euphrates was raised around other goats, dogs, cats, horses, chickens, ducks, and children. He will be a great buck for a family dairy farm. Euphrates was one of quadruplets! His sire threw two sets of quadruplets and two sets of triplets, so he may throw multiples!
Euphrates has lines from known herds such as Parks Oasis, Sweet-Spring, Goldthwaite, and Kastdemur’s. He has at least five ++*B, one +*B, two *B, two 5*M, one 1*M, one 9*M, and one 10*M all within five generations!
He can be wethered upon request.
We are asking $200, but make an offer. We will consider trades for a buckling. Let us know what you would like to trade though!
Look at the Find Us section at the bottom of the page for our info, or leave a comment if you are interested!
Beulah Valley Euphrates His dam His sire when he was a year old
We just bought four new Molly Fish about a week ago. One of them was very plump. Mollies are live-bearers, so we figured she was pregnant. Sure enough the next day she had fry! Mollies eat baby fish though, so we had to rescue them. We kept the mom seperate for a few hours to be sure she was done giving birth. The fry will stay in the fish nursery for eight weeks, then they should be big enough to join the other fish. We have about ten babies, but they don’t stay still long enough to count them! We will probably try to find a new home for lots of them. Let us know if you’re interested! They look like they will be solid black common mollies, but we won’t know until they’re older.
Eutychus is almost two weeks old now. He is a very friendly, playful kid. He is usually frolicking around the yard. April is a super worried mother and is usually found maaing for him to come back to her. We will be rehoming Eutychus when he is weaned. Let us know if you are interested.
We had hoped that our doe, April, was bred, but she wouldn’t stand for the buck, and she seemed to occasionally go into heat. She didn’t show for a long time either, so we just assumed she wasn’t bred. We had one possible due date for her. We went ahead and gave her grain everyday and felt her belly for kids, hoping to feel one. Sure enough, about two weeks ago we felt a kick, and April’s udder started to grow. This morning her udder was suddenly a lot bigger and her ligaments were gone. April had a far off look in her eyes. We watched her most of the morning. She contacted regularly and started to push with every contraction. Soon a sack emerged. After a lot of work, she got the legs out. The kid’s head was right up with the feet. His head was also tilted. It took some pulling to get him out, but once the head came out he just slipped right out. April was a little cautious at first, but soon got busy cleaning her little buckling. His name is Eutychus. He was 4 pounds and 15 ounces. Eutychus is Nubian. His sire is Beulah Valley Rio. Please pray that April will make enough milk for this little guy. Her udder is super tiny and she has some clogs. At least Eutychus is a wonderful nursers.
The hint for this name is: Eutychus is from the book of Acts. Leave your guess for who Eutychus is in the Bible, in the comments.
The kids are all getting so big! All of them are disbudded now and they graze with their moms out in the big pasture. The oldest ones are almost two months old now! They are all lovely, but Onyx is gorgeous.