
So, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Lots of things have happened since the last post.

First off, we rehomed all of the rabbits that we wanted to. We rehomed all, but four baby girls. We named them Snapdragon, Blossom, Lilac, and Poppy. They are about five months old.

We rehomed all of the cats except for Willow, Tractor, Splash, Sebastian, and Willow’s kittens Bluegrass and Banjo. Bluegrass and Banjo are from Willow’s litter of five. Three of them died. Bluegrass is grey and Banjo is a siamese. We would like to rehome Willow.

Most of the goats are bred to Beulah Valley Rio for kids in March and April.

We got ducks! We have two females and a male. Their names are Lucy, Daffodil, and Donald. They are so cute!

The chickens are getting so big! They have started to lay!

The Ducks

5 Replies to “Update”

  1. So, I get the flower theme for the rabbits’ names, and the southern music theme for the cats’ names, but I’m curious how the ducks’ names are related.

    1. So, we were going to name them Daffy (Daffodil), Donald, and Daisy, which are famous cartoon duck names, but when we bought them the white one was named Lucy and we thought that it fit her so well, that we left it. So their names really aren’t related now.

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