2019 Kitten Litter #2: 2 Weeks

Tractor is a very protective mom. About a week ago she hid her kittens and we didn’t find them until this morning. She hid them far behind the hay stacks. She actually had three kittens. Two are black and one is white. Their eyes are open. I couldn’t get a good picture because they are so deep behind the hay. They are so precious!

You can kind of see the white kitten

2 Replies to “2019 Kitten Litter #2: 2 Weeks”

  1. A similar situation happened to us a few years ago when our pregnant cat, Ginger, decided to move into our neighbors barn and give birth there. She hid her kittens about 10 feet back into a large stack of bales, and kept them there for several weeks. We could only see them if they came close enough to the front of the stack, or if we crawled in with a flashlight. Now that I think of it, crawling underneath/in-between thirty 800 pound hay bales was probably not the best idea!😂

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