Our Farm is Growing

Today we have added a couple new additions to the farm! Our rabbits were bred this morning by a neighbor’s buck. So hopefully in about a month we will have rabbit kits. We also received a package in the mail with 25 chicks! We have a dozen female Easter Eggers, a dozen female Black Australorps, and one male black Australorp. They are all healthy so far! The male’s name is Julius.

The Black and White Chicks are Australorps

4 Replies to “Our Farm is Growing”

  1. Austrolorps are amazing chickens! Not only are they hardy and live long, but they are also great producers. Great choice!

    1. Thanks! That’s great! That is exactly what we were hoping! Do you have Australorps?

  2. No, unfortunately, the seller we got chicks from this year was all out of Austrolorps when we purchased the chicks.

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