I am going to start posting fact files on each of our goats.
Up first is our Matriarch, Lily. She is an ADGA registered, Nubian doe. Lily was born on May 3rd, 2016. Her dam is Kuchan Alandra and her sire is Nubilop-Acres Believenjustice. Lily’s mom was pregnant with her when we bought Alandra (we called her Alannah). Lily was the oldest of her litter and her twin was Kuchan Ruby. Lily had her first kids in 2017. She had twins, Beulah Valley Talitha and Cosmo. She had Cyrus in 2019. She had quadruplets in 2020; Beulah Valley Euphrates, Tigris, Pishon, and Gihon.
Lily is a decent milker with a little bit of sass on the stanchion. 🙂 She is one of our only does who doesn’t love grain. She loves black oil sunflower seeds though. Lily is persistent, but gentle. She gets along with most everybody. She’s an ok mother and takes care of her kids, but doesn’t pamper them like some does. She is a lovely doe.