It Looks Like We Had Lambs

I never got to post about it, but we purchased a Saanen buck last fall, and bred him to Penny and Beulah.

Penny’s udder has been going through some drastic changes over the last week, and then on Tuesday afternoon, it looked like it was going to pop!

We checked on her throughout the night, and she was having early contractions at 3:30. We checked on her hourly after that.

At 8:30, I checked on her and a sack was beginning to come out. I grabbed the kidding kit and got ready. The first baby came perfectly. She was a white doeling that looked like she got dusted with cinnamon. We named her Cassia.

After that, a small amniotic sack seemed to get stuck. It had snowflake looking specks on the outside, and was foggy. I broke it, and nothing was in it. We don’t know what this was. Maybe a miscarried baby?

After that a huge doeling came with one leg wrapped over her head. She came out fine though. We named her Acacia.

Finally, another doeling was born with one leg back. I had to pull her. We named her Aspen. She is knuckled over and struggling to walk (possibly because of the position she was in). She is gaining weight though.

Cassia was 5 1/2 pounds, Acacia was 7 1/2 pounds, and Aspen was 5 1/2 pounds. This is after they had their first few meals.

Their dam is 3/4 Nubian 1/4 Alpine and their sire is full Saanen.

Their mom is our best milker and their dad has great milking lines, so these ladies should make incredible milkers!

These girl are also all polled, so no disbudding.


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