On May 6th Penny’s udder began to grow. The next day, it was tight and Penny was acting off. In the mid morning she started contracting. Whenever she would have a contraction, she would wag her tail. 🙂 After a few hours like that, she wanted to be alone in the stall, so we put her in the kidding stall, and stayed with her. She contracted for awhile and then started pushing. At this point she started licking us like crazy! She licked our faces even. We’ve never had a doe do that before! She is a little more bonded to us too, so maybe she thinks that we’re her kids! It took quite a while for the first kid to come, but she eventually had a lovely, blue eyed doeling. I bounced her, and knew she was going to have another one. In probably fifteen or twenty minutes, another little doeling basically fell right out.
We named the first one Naomi and the second, Orpah. Orpah is super lively and will jump right into your lap. Naomi is reserved, and the most content baby. She will just sit in your lap and not try to leave.
We’re not sure if there is any Nigerian Dwarf in them, because they are a good size.
Their sire is a La Mancha with possibly some mini in him. Their dam is Penny, who is three quarters Nubian, one quarter Alpine.
We are not sure if we will rehome these girls.
Please leave a guess for where we found these names in the Bible, in the comments.
Good thing you didn’t name the other one Ruth; otherwise you would have to sell them as a pair!