The Last Kids

Talitha was showing some early labor signs last night. This morning we went out to find twin boys! They were standing and partially wet. The afterbirth had already passed, so we think that she had kidded a couple hours before we went out. The bucklings are very big! We named them Jasper and Onyx. Onyx was 7 pounds 4 ounces and Jasper was 9 pounds 8 ounces. Onyx is silver and Jasper is black. They are pretty active, but they don’t seem to have a suckling reflex. So we are currently syringe feeding them and training them on nursing. If you have any advice let us know. We will keep you updated on how they progress. (I may update in the comments) These bucklings are 3/4 Nubian and 1/4 Alpine. They are registerable. Their sire is Beulah Valley Rio and their dam is Beulah Valley Talitha. The clue for Jasper’s and Onyx’s names in the Bible is this: their names are mentioned in lists several times, including Revelation and Exodus, what objects were their names in the Bible? Leave your guess in the comments.

We think that these are our last kids for the year, but April was exposed and may kid in May.


4 Replies to “The Last Kids”

  1. Update on April 8th: The bucklings are nursing a little better. They aren’t great at nursing, but they do try now.

  2. In Revelation, weren’t they some of the jewels of the foundation of the New Jerusalem?
    And that is good that they are better at nursing…I hope they get even better soon!

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